My Staff Development

One of my strengths is being a Maximizer, with means I focus on ways to stimulate personal and group excellence. I particularly, believe in sharing new approaches and techiques in teaching and learning as this creates an atmosphere of learning and growth for all.

Cognitive Psychology undefined

Coming soon in 2020

and the tools to improve learning?

Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of mental processes such as “attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity and thinking. This session provides background to these mental porcesses while giving suggestions for simple tools in helping improve thinking and learning.

Questioning undefined

Coming soon in 2020

The Good, the Bad and the Better Question

Why are some questions good and some are bad? This session tries to answer this question, while giving practical techniques in improving the quality of all the questions asked in the classroom.

The Power of Formative Assessment


What kind of teacher are you?

Explains the power of formative assessment compared to some of the disadvantages of summative assessment. Goes through the five point cycle of formative assessment with some practical advice.

SOLO Taxonomy


A brief introduction

This is an introduction to the concept of SOLO taxonomy and some practical applications in the classroom.

Differentiation in the Classroom


A Practical Guide for the Mackay School

This is a very practical session for teachers in several techniques of differentiation which can be used by all ages.

The Zones of Regulation


What are the Zones?

The Zones is a systematic, cognitive behavioral approach used to teach self-regulation by categorizing all the different ways we feel and states of alertness we experience into four concrete colored zones.  The Zones framework provides strategies to teach students to become more aware of and independent in controlling their emotions and impulses, manage their sensory needs, and improve their ability to problem solve conflicts.

Breakout EDU


Are you up for the challenge?

Breakout EDU is the immersive learning games platform that brings the escape room to your classroom. This was an introduction session, with a hands on experience of how it works!

Design Thinking


Understand, Create and Deliver

This session was designed to introduce the concept of Design Thinking and how it can be applied to schools. It demonstrates a design thinking cycle and practical ways to apply this in lessons.

MakerSpace – Makey Makey & Arduino

2016 & 2017

Making, learning, exploring and sharing

Several sessions dealing with the Maker philosophy. This includes the design of a Makerspace, using Makey Makey and Arduinos and other useful resources in the classroom.

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Making Thinking Visible & Routines

2015 & 2016

Visible Thinking is a research-based approach to teaching thinking, begun at Harvard’s Project Zero

Three sessions dedicated to the Making Thinking Visible philosophy. This incudes an introduction to Makeing Thinking Visible, Thinking Routines (going further) & A Culture of Thinking

SAMR Model


How to categorize the four different degrees of classroom technology integration

 The letters “SAMR” stand for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. The SAMR model was created to share a common language across disciplines as teachers strive to help students visualize complex concepts.



Are you in the Learning Zone?

Growth mindset refers to a learning theory developed by Dr Carol Dweck. It revolves around the belief that you can improve intelligence, ability and performance. This means that by helping students to develop a growth mindset, we can help them to learning more effectively and efficiently.

Leadership & Formative Assessment Training


In this year, I went to Noida, India to deliver some training sessions for the principals and teachers of the Global Indian International School (GIIS) group. Read more by clicking the link below.


I have created a course for the GIIS teachers on formative assessment, if you are interested in enrolling in this course using iTune University, you can enrol here using any iOS device by clicking the link below.

or following this link and using the code: CPH-YAH-RLD

Work together, learn together, improve together!